National Treasure - A fascinating, fictional look at the history that make our country great. Why shouldn't the Founding Fathers have left clues to a treasure of international importance in some of our most beloved national treasures? I love this movie and the brief glimpse into the time of the American Revolution it provides. It also contains one of the most interesting and important lines in the Declaration of Independence, "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty to throw off such government and provide new Guards for their future security."
National Treasure 2 - Another fascinating look at history, this time from the era of the Civil War. With our country's apparent love of secrecy, it wouldn't be surprising to find that a second treasure had been hidden.
Glory - While definitely not for children, this Civil War movie is one of the best. An intriguing look at the first all-black volunteer company that fought for the Union. This movie is intense, but also a very interesting look at what these men had to overcome to fight for what they believed in.

Schoolhouse Rock: America - Educational with a fun twist, these shorts help introduce kids to interesting facts about our country with catchy songs and fun animation. I still remember watching the one about how a bill becomes a law.

Forest Gump - While not obviously patriotic, this movie shows American society at its best and worst over several decades. It is the story of the American Dream, and the wisdom that the attainment of that dream isn't always what you expect.
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